Bat and Bird Boxes

Bats need a safe, humid roost with a fairly stable temperature in which to hibernate over winter. A hollow trunk can provide suitable conditions for many bats to hibernate and wait for the weather to improve.

Bats and their roosts are protected by law and training is required to identify suitable roosting features in trees. This training provides professional arboriculturists with the tools to undertake a pre-work bat assessment of trees.

Gavin has completed a specific training course run by The Bat Conservation Trust (BCT). This course is LANTRA accredited and is specifically orientated towards arborists entitled Arboriculture and Bats: Scoping Surveys for Arborists.

Both Bat and Bird boxes can also be expertly installed by the Team. Gavin has attended the Arboricultural Association’s training course on Bat Awareness.

Bats & Bird Boxes